Headsail Wealth Management Incorporated (referred to as “Headsail Wealth Management”, “we”, and “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that we collect and maintain in the course of carrying on our business. The Privacy Notice describes how Headsail Wealth Management collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information.

Personal Information

Personal information includes any factual or subjective information, recorded or not, about an identifiable individual. It may include information such as your age, marital status, employment history, social insurance number, home address, personal email and home telephone number.


The knowledge and consent of the client are required for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, except as permitted by law or for security reasons. You are requested to provide this consent at account opening.

We collect personal information about you (your spouse, dependents and/or beneficiary as applicable) from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on our application forms, investment policy statement, agreements and other forms.
  • We also collect personal information during both formal and informal meetings, as well as during telephone conversations with you.
  • This personal information may include your name, address, telephone number, social insurance number (“SIN”), birth date, passport number or driver’s license number, assets, income and any changes in your personal situation and the name, address of your spouse and/or beneficiary among other information; as well as information about your transactions with us, your custodian and others, such as account balances and parties to transactions.

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of the personal information we collect and ask that you keep us up to date by promptly notifying us of any changes such as your mailing or email address or phone number, employment status or income needs.

Identifying Purposes

We collect personal information required for contractual, regulatory and income tax reporting purposes as well as personal information that is essential to understanding your investment goals and objectives. We may collect, hold, and use the personal information in your client record as well as collect personal information from and disclose personal information to third parties (identified below) for the following purposes:

  • to verify your identity and ensure that our records are accurate;
  • to provide investment services such as opening, operating and managing your account(s);
  • verifying information previously given by you with any other organization when necessary for the purposes provided in this document;
  • to understand and assess your ongoing needs and to adjust your portfolio as required;
  • for client communication, service and administration;
  • to facilitate investment transactions with other financial intermediaries;
  • to protect the interests of Headsail Wealth Management, such as the collection of a debt owed; and
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements;

Where you provide personal information about another individual (such as spouse, dependents, beneficiaries etc.), you represent to us that you are authorized to disclose such information to us.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

Personal Information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the client or as required by the law and will be retained for as long as is necessary to fulfill the service, or as required by law. We may also provide your personal information to third parties. This is done only to meet your service requirements or as may be permitted by law. Third parties that may be provided with your personal information include:

  • Other financial institutions and securities dealers
  • Third-party service providers (e.g. custodian (National Bank Correspondent Network Inc.) )
  • Canadian or foreign governments, government agencies and regulators; and
  • Any other legally required institutions.

When Headsail Wealth Management transfers personal information to our service providers, we ensure that the transferred personal information is used only for the purposes for which the service provider is retained and that appropriate controls and protections are in place at the service provider level to protect your personal information. Our service providers may, from time to time, sub-contract certain administrative services to other service providers that may not reside in Canada and require access to certain personal information to perform contracted services. In this case, our service providers are responsible for ensuring appropriate security measures and controls are in place to protect your personal information. Personal information available to service providers in foreign jurisdictions may be accessible to foreign regulatory authorities in accordance with the laws of theses jurisdictions.

Protecting Your Information

Headsail Wealth Management will protect personal information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Right to Access and Rectify Personal Information

You may obtain access to the information that we hold about you at any time and review its content and accuracy, and have it amended as appropriate, subject to limited exceptions set out in law. If you wish to access such personal information, please send your request in writing to the Privacy Officer at the contact information provided on the following page.

Resolving Your Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about our management of your personal information, you can contact the Privacy Officer at:

Headsail Wealth Management Inc.
416 North Service Road East, Suite 100
Oakville, ON L6H 5R2
Telephone: (905) 844-3396
E-Mail: info@headsailwealth.com

If after contacting the Privacy Officer your question or concern has not been resolved, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at www.privcom.gc.ca.