Who we are

Headsail Wealth Management is an independent, client focused investment advisory company that is committed to delivering highly professional, unbiased financial advice to an exclusive group of investors. The client experience is personalized, highly confidential and expressly designed to meet your specific goals and needs. Investments are chosen selectively using a proven, research intensive process that is results driven, while also preserving your hard earned wealth.

Client Focused Service Model 

Headsail delivers a high level of personalized service to a select group of clients. Following several consultations between the portfolio manager and client, a detailed financial plan and an asset allocation strategy is developed and customized to meet the client’s specific objectives. The portfolio manager then builds a segregated, unique investment portfolio comprised of individual, high quality fixed income and equity securities. All fees are completely transparent, competitive, and never include additional performance fees. This comprehensive, client focused service model targets superior after-tax, after-fee returns.

Access to a Professional Portfolio Manager

Headsail is owned and operated by Joe Mastrolonardo, a professional portfolio manager who personally oversees every client’s investment portfolio. Joe has obtained his Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, the most prestigious globally recognized accreditation in the investment industry. Additionally, he has over twenty years of experience managing Canadian and foreign equities, along with balanced and income portfolios, as a successful portfolio manager with major Canadian investment organizations. As a CFA and long-time professional in the field, Joe has extensive expertise and a determined commitment to serve his clients under the highest standard of practice in the industry.

Why Invest With Headsail Wealth Management?

Headsail is dedicated to improving and maximizing your financial potential by operating in accordance with the following principles:
Anchored in trustworthy and knowledgable financial advice
Trust and honesty are essential elements of a successful relationship. Headsail’s commitment is to earn your trust by putting your interests first and we have developed a Clients First Code of Conduct, demonstrating our dedication to our clients. Safe custody of your funds with a Canadian chartered bank is a key component of the Code. We cannot personally access your funds; only invest them on your behalf. If at any time you wish to withdraw your funds, you may do so. It’s your money!
A view to long-term results
Headsail’s goal is to generate superior investment results over the long-term, through a disciplined and research-intensive 5 Step Investment Process. The process begins by identifying world class businesses that are Proven, Profitable and Predictable. Financial market opportunities are global since Canada represents less than 5% of worldwide equity markets, and Headsail’s portfolio manager has the requisite experience to invest globally.
Preserve wealth
While superior returns are one of our key objectives, protecting your hard earned wealth is also of utmost importance. Every client receives a personal risk assessment, a customized investment strategy and a segregated portfolio, which includes high quality bonds and blue chip, dividend paying common shares, to generate income and protect your wealth.
Navigate tax efficiency
Headsail looks beyond gross investment returns and endeavors to maximize returns after fees and taxes are removed. Many Canadians pay far too much in fees and taxes on their investments. Headsail implements simple, effective techniques that aid clients in reducing their tax burden from investments thereby enhancing after tax returns.
Our insignia: one transparent fee
Headsail offers clients highly professional financial advice for a single and competitive investment management fee, disclosed and collected monthly. Clients never pay additional performance fees and we never collect fees from third parties. Our management fees may also be tax deductible in non-registered accounts, which makes the service an even greater value.

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